Home EuroAfrica Media DeskAbout us EAM-Network Membership Classifications

EAM-Network Membership Classifications

by Chris Ezeh

Membership to EuroAfrica Media Network is a symbolic indication of your devoted common interest and desire to work for a positive African image in the western media, the commitment to African development projects of the EuroAfrica Media  and a deep concern/ understanding or the will to understand and to seeking solutions to the geopolitical and socio-economic problems of the developing nations of the African Continent. The duration of the membership in EAMN is unlimited. The EuroAfrica Media Network reserves the right to cancel, prolong or not accept a membership or Profile application of a prospective or actual member.

Dignified Benefactors
Could be an individual, organization, corporate body or professional firm who endorses the mission of the EAMN and demonstrates support with an annual contribution between Euro 10,000 to Euro 500,000 or above to the EAMN Subscription Fund.

Patrons and Sponsors
Any individual, organizations corporate body or professional firm who endorses the mission of EAMN with an annual donation between Euro 5,000 to 250,000 to the EuroAfrica Media Network Subscription Fund would become sponsors of The EuroAfrica Media Network.

Our Sponsors and Dignified Benefactors will benefit from the following features in our organization:
Sponsor Membership certificate recognizing you as a pro-active Employer committed to diversity.
Sponsor Employer profile with logo and hyperlink to  Website.
Privileged position or special preference by advertising.
Sponsored Events or media-image promotion via our web-services.

Affiliates and Friends
Any individual, group or corporate bodies that identify with or objective and offers financial assistance or any assistance can be called a friend.

Any organization, corporate body etc, who identifies with our objective and shows willingness to support and promote our objectives, shall become a partner.

Any individual, an organisation or corporate body, who is willing to render professional services or other services to promote our objective reciprocal basis, shall become an associate of the EAMN. Subscribers are users who have subscribed to the EuroAfricaCentral.com Online Magazine and have paid the annual subscription fee. A subscriber becomes automatically a special member of the EAMN and has a special status.

Special Members are users who either through subscription, active participation in one of the EAMN projects, through volunteering or sponsorship have attained unique status and presence. Special members enjoy EuroAfrica Media Network bonus and rebates.

Any individual, corporate body or organization that is willing on a voluntary basis, to support, propagate, develop work and contribute ideas on how to actualize our aims shall become an EAMN volunteer.

Any individual or person(s) who are registered in any of the EAC educational projects, for example, our computer courses, web design and the EAC Solar Energy Projects-candidates should be regarded as EAC students. EAC members enjoy rebates on all levels of EAMN courses.

Any individual, corporate body or organization who is interested in our projects, willing to support, propagate and use our website on regular basis evidenced through registration and login via our front page login area on our website, shall become an EAMN User.


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