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Join EuroAfrica Media Network in Project Against “Fake & Spam News”

by alika1000

One of the challenges of our time is the danger posed by social media. In a time where everyone can easily throw any information into the air and tag himself a journalist, things can easily go haywire. Today, the wood can ONLY be discerned from the trees through a clear and conscious display of professionalism in this field by its practitioners. Many trained journalists are worried about the effects of fake and spam news on the image of journalism as a profession. We need independent trained, professional efforts from all fields to stop this information cancer from ruining this noble Journalism.

The EuroAfrica Media Network News/Magazine Project on Report/Stop Fakes News is armed to take up this battle.
We have started a database for the listing of all fake news we receive. After thorough checks etc and if confirmed through our specialists, the fake news and its sources are listed online. We cannot stop all fake news in the World, but if every serious news organization follows this example, we will be setting a great example for new generation-journalism.

How can anyone report fake and misleading news articles? Many of us know they can block the source, but you must also realise the following:

You cannot send feedback to some social media giants- They do nothing, absolutely nothing to stop this mess. What we have to understand is that Google, Facebook and YouTube live from Fake News.

Those of us who understand the mechanics of social marketing know why this is so. For example, Google´s DoubleClick-DoubleClick Principle is responsible for all the worst advertising on all the worst websites in the world because they have no standards at all. So Google drives “news” search traffic directly to these sites on purpose because they profit from every single page view. Google is not your friend; they are not trying to stop fake news, and they are making millions if not billions of dollars from fake news and political advertising.

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