Home Leben & LifestylesGesundheit & Fitness EuroAfrica Media Network Launches Health Programme

EuroAfrica Media Network Launches Health Programme

by Chris Ezeh

Our work-environment health services help your organization create a healthier, better informed, more productive labour force: Work-environment health services will include health risk management, absence management, addiction screening, health surveillance, job fitness, health workshops, seminars and new starter services.  Besides, we offer occupational health services specially tailored to different cultures working in same environment and so ensuring a healthy informed workforce.

Health risk management:

A service to help you manage employee health, rehabilitation and care. It can help you:
Reduce absenteeism and absence-related costs
Identify and tackle reasons for poor performance
Give managers useful information on employee performance and absence

Absence management:

This allows your business to focus on short and long-term sickness absence. It can help you:
Reduce costs by reducing short-term absence and absenteeism
Access key information without additional administration
Reduce the impact of long-term absence

Drug and alcohol screening:
Guidance on screening, rehabilitation and policy development regarding drugs and alcohol.  It can help you:
To train your managers
offer employees support and rehabilitation help
undertake screening for drug and alcohol abuse, including pre-employment, random and “for-cause” screening

Health surveillance

our programme will help you  monitor workers exposed to identified health risks and detects early signs of adverse effects – allowing you act on the results. We will also consider the impact of health culture on work and advise on adjustments where needed.

New Starter services:

This will assist you consider adjustments, meeting legal requirements and ensuring that your new employee can begin with the best medical suitability demanded by the job. We have here tools and a range of remote process including seminars etc and also face to face assessments where the job requires a certain fitness level.
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